Join us to celebrate and dedicate the Lincoln's Lost Speech Mural in downtown Bloomington on Thursday, May 29 at 5:25 p.m.
During the ceremony, we will announce and recognize the winners of the Lincoln's Lost Speech coloring contest. For more information on the coloring contest, click here.
Local artist Troy Freeman of Free Sky Studios designed the 45 ft. tall by 25 ft. wide mural and will paint it on the east wall of Rosie's Pub in Downtown Bloomington, just across from where President Lincoln gave the famous speech at Major's Hall 168 years ago. Major's Hall no longer stands — the site is now home to the Lincoln Parking Garage on Front Street.
Lincoln’s Lost Speech was the closing oration at the Bloomington Convention on May 29, 1856, which united several political parties in the anti-slavery movement and led to the founding of the Illinois Republican Party. Lincoln’s speech is one of the most pivotal points in his political career and ultimately led to his election as president.
Additional event details will be shared in early May. Please contact Norris Porter, the Museum's Director of Development, for more information.