In 1992 an ad hoc committee requested a study of the future of education in Bloomington-Normal, beginning what would become a campaign for consolidation of the two school districts, #87 and #5. A formal committee, as mandated by statute, called the “Committee of Ten” organized to prepare a petition to organize a new community unit school district. After the filing of that petition, a public hearing was held by the district superintendent, who approved the petition. In order to prepare for a referendum, a series of informational meetings were held to inform the public of the advantages of consolidation. The referendum was voted on and defeated in 1996.
The collection includes the working materials of the Committee of Ten, as collected by William Mueller, Jr., District 87 board member, and Committee of Ten member. It includes studies and reports regarding Unit 5 and District 87, financial information used to prepare and support the campaign to consolidate, school policies and contracts, and correspondence regarding the campaign.